Invitation to International Webinar on

‘My Way: Hot Topics on Knee’

Prof. Thomas Tischer,



“Prof. Dr Thomas Tischer is an orthopaedic and trauma surgeon with special expertise in open andarthroscopic knee andshoulder surgery. He studied medicine at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) in Munich. Afterwards he trained at the LMU Munich andthe Technical University of Munich (TUM) with special emphasis on orthopaedics sport surgery (Prof. Imhoff).

Additionally he received a short fellowship at theUniversity of Pittsburgh. He wrote his doctoral thesis about theeffects of shock wave therapy on bone andtendon tissue in 2002 and his professoral thesis (habilitation) on tissue engineering of tendon andmeniscus tissue in 2009. In 2010 he wasappointed full professor at theUniversity of Rostock and worked as head of orthopaedic sport surgery there until June 2021. Since then, he is head of orthopaedic andtrauma surgery at theWaldkrankenhaus in Erlangen, Germany.

His scientific work deals with basic science research concerning tendon, meniscus andcartilage regeneration/tissue engineering as well as minimal invasive surgical techniques, with over 175 publications currently listed in PubMed.

For his work on tissue engineering of theanterior cruciate ligament he received the AGA Don Joyaward in 2006. Prof. Tischer is the President of theGerman-speaking Society in Orthopaedic andTraumatologic Sports Medicine (GOTS) since 2022.

He is also chairman of the ESSKA ACL revision working group andScientifc Chair for ESSKA congress in Prague 2026 and received the ESSKA-AOSSM Fellowship in 2017. He is also Associate Editor of KSSTA and SOT.”


Prof. Reha N. Tandogan, MD


Prof. Thomas Tischer, MD


Jose Luis Prieto Deza, MD


Alper Kaya, MD


Octav Russu, MD


Panagiotis Kouloumentas, MD